Virginia, Maryland and DC Veteran Loan Information Center
First of all...
Thank You So Much For Your Service To Our Country!
I truly appreciate your visit today to my website. I would be honored to help you with any questions you may have about purchasing a home, questions about the VA home loan program, or questions about how to refinance your present home.
The top 5 reasons to do business with Patrick Shelton
1. You will get straight talk & honest answers!
2. Need help after “banking hours” or weekends? Call me, and I will answer all your questions and clear up the myths!
3. Tired of just being a number? Get the personal service you deserve. You can come to my office or call me direct.
4. We understand veteran's issues and situations.
5. You have earned the right to use this program!
So let me hear from you! Call me at 703-378-4540 and I will answer all your questions.
Worried About Your Credit?
Please take a moment and watch the video below. It is from one of my Associates that specializes in Credit Restoration. Don't let anyone tell you that your credit is hopeless and that nothing can be done. Is it instant? No, but credit restoration on your file can be quickly completed. You have to have the will and dedication to do your part. Please take a moment to listen to my Associate tell you about our results. They're simply incredible!
Once you listen to this message, please give us a call at 703-378-4540 and let's get you some help. Everyone deserves to own or refinance their home at a reasonable rate, so let's get you on track to accomplish this goal.
To Start Video, Click Play Arrow Below
Patrick Shelton Military Loan Specialist
Email: pshelton@premierlendingusa.com
Phone: 703-378-4540
Contact Patrick Shelton, your local VA Mortgage Specialist, to setup a free consultation and develop your winning strategy for purchasing your new home with a VA Loan.
My team and I team will be honored to serve you!
Premier Lending Group, LLC Patrick Shelton Phone: 703-378-4540
All information contained herein is for informational purposes only and, while every effort has been made to insure accuracy, no guarantee is expressed or implied. Any programs shown do not demonstrate all options or pricing structures. Rates, terms, programs, and underwriting policies are subject to change without notice. This is not an offer to extend credit or a commitment to lend. By refinancing your loan, your total finance charges may be higher over the life of the loan. All loans are subject to underwriting approval. Some products may not be available in all states and restrictions apply. Equal Housing Lender. Trade/service marks are the property of Premier Lending Group. All rights reserved.
Notice: This is a privately owned and maintained web site by Patrick Shelton specializing in VA financing and is not a government agency.